Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Phonetic Structure:

Phonetic Structure:

When we produce any sound, it happens with the help of some organs. This organs besides their primary functions, also performs as organs of speech. They are called so because they help to produce sounds by restricting the passage of air. Let us see in chronological order what comprises in the section called ‘Organs of Speech’.

Our body from head to abdomen is needed for the production of speech sounds. These are usually known as:
(a) The Respiratory System,
(b) The Phonetory System,
(c) The Articulatory System.

(A) The Respiratory System: -
It comprises of languages, the bronchial tubes and trachea or wind pipe.

(B) The Phonetory System: -
It is formed by the larynx or voice box, the front part of which can be seen in adult males as the Adam’s apple. The larynx contains the vocal cords. The opening between the vocal cords is known as glottis.

(C) The Articulatory System: -
It consists of nose, the lips, the mouth and its contents including specially the teeth and the tongue.

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